c11361aded The Narrative is an Indie Pop Rock band from in Long Island in 2008. . B-Sides and Seasides. B-Sides and Seasides is a 2012 B-side compilation album by the American group The Narrative, released on 4 April and produced by Bryan Russell at Red Wire Audio. NARRATIVE Lyrics - A selection of 24 . B-Sides and Seasides [2012] The Narrative [2010] . Related Information for Narrative The Narrative is an indie,rock pop . The Narrative is an American independent indie rock . B-Sides and Seasides was released online in 2012. The Narrative released its seconds studio album Golden . Guitar tabs for the album B-Sides and Seasides of The Narrative at Ultimate-Tabs. fresh tabs top tabs lessons submit. subscribe share tweet. .
The Narrative - B-Sides And Seasides (2012)
Updated: Dec 11, 2020